Friday, April 17, 2015

celebrating with the whettens!

Now that the news is out about Idaho I can tell you about celebrating with some really, really fun people last weekend! Casey and Ann Whetten are some of our nearest and dearest friends. It was Casey who instigated the brief love affair with law school that I mentioned in the last post. We really got to know them for the first time last August when they invited us over for dinner and we've been close ever since. Casey had just finished law school at the time and was starting a job as a patent attorney. Trager and Casey would spend lots of time talking over law school and all the things that come with it. Meanwhile Ann and I would paint our nails and watch Harry Potter and solve all the worlds problems...because that's what you do with your girlfriends, right??
Although law school wasn't where we ended up, these friends have really helped us in all our pursuits.
We think they're pretty wonderful :)
It doesn't hurt that we're a little more than obsessed with their little girl, Hallie {or Hallie-bear if Trager's talking about her...yes, it's as cute as it sounds!}

^^^Hi, my name is Hallie and I'm so cute it hurts!^^^
Do you see what I mean?! She's absolutely killing me with the little hand pop in the first picture. I have her sweet mama to thank for the smooch pic...she's was giving me little bird peck kisses and Ann happened to catch it with her lightning quick picture taking abilities! We spent the evening in the city at Republic {a little pub with yummy food and a really cool vibe.} It was kind of weird to sit at the table celebrating the fact that we know our next step! I honestly keep having these *pinch me, is this real life?!* moments. I'm not mad about it :)
One of the reasons we are sad about leaving Oklahoma is because of gems like the Whettens. Over the last year we've developed such great friendships with so many people, but like Ann said,
 "That's why there are things like FaceTime!!" 
Again, just solving all the world's problems!

 ^^^1,2,3...jump!! Anyone else play this game?^^^

Here's to a summer of fun outings like this and lots of future FaceTime calls!! 
And thanks to Casey and Ann for celebrating with us!


  1. Well this just basically made me ugly cry, so thank you for that! We love you guys so so much, I am so happy for you!!! Somehow the rest of us will just deal with idea of not having you here, but not until I have to face it for real. lurv you!!!!!!

    1. Love you too!! And we will have all summer to ugly cry about the sad part of it all :)
