Friday, May 8, 2015

the hits + the misses

the hits

rewatching "Gilmore Girls" from the beginning....hawaiian grilled cheese sandwiches....essie "play date" nail polish....trager's sideways grin and headshake when he thinks something I said was funny, but he doesn't really want me to know he thinks I'm hilarious {even though he totally does!}....lunch at Ann's cream flavored snow cones....sweet mint mascara....reading for hours and not realizing how much time has passed....guacomole....rachel portman pandora....finding colorful walls all around my hometown just like Ginger Parrish's IG guide said I would {love that thing!}....thank you cards from the tutors I work with that made me cry and cry....getting the rental house we were hoping we would in Idaho....The Theory of Everything movie....falling asleep to the cute dad winning his 5th state championship

the misses

tornados, tornados, tornados....the excruciatingly slow period I'm coming up on at work {the days drag on and on}....not working out consistently for the last two weeks {struggle bus}....the homework that seems to be dating my husband....the friendly fleas on the family dog....never getting up quite early enough to put my make-up on anywhere but the car {again, struggle bus}....the glow-in-the-dark status I've reached with my skin tone....humidity....Trager leaving town for work


  1. haha! The glow in the dark skin is by far my favorite miss, and one we share! Maybe we should spend more of those lunch dates outdoors or something! ;) Love you!

    1. YES. We need to get some sun!! Love you too :)
