Tuesday, April 21, 2015

curry chicken salad!

The summer after my senior year of high school I took a job as a nanny for a little boy named Gage. His parents were in the business of reining horses and their home was just a few yards from the barns. Each day after hours of playing with "hopper boppers" {frogs} and swimming in the kiddie pool in the backyard we would all gather together for lunch. It was here that I was first introduced to my very favorite chicken salad recipe! Gage's Nana would make it and we would eat on toasted bread. In full disclosure I usually had two! They are that good!! 
I've been craving this recipe for weeks now and finally took the time last night to make it again. It's really an easy recipe, but it takes a minute to cut up the veggies and the water chestnuts...worth it! I had it in lettuce wraps for lunch today and that's when I decide I had to share! 
Since having it that summer I've made a few tweaks to it, but the bones of this recipe come from Nana and Heidi Arvidson, two really awesome ladies!

Curry Chicken Salad:
2 cups shredded chicken
1/2 cup chopped pineapples well drained
5 oz water chestnuts drained + sliced
2 Tablespoons soy sauce
3/4 teaspoon salt
1-2 teaspoons curry powder {depends on how strong you want it...I usually do at least 1 1/2 teaspoons}
3/4 cup light Miracle Whip
1/3 cup red bell pepper
1/2 cup chopped celery {mine is usually more like 1/3 cup because celery is not my favorite}

Mix it all together +chill {I think it tastes best if it can chill over night}

And that's it! It's good in lettuce wraps, on crackers, or some yummy toasted bread like I had that summer. 

^^^Again, food pics are not my forte!^^^

Hope you enjoy them! I think it's the perfect way to welcome the warmer weather!! :)


  1. mmm yummers! I want to try this asap! thanks for sharing Hintze!

    1. I'm having it for lunch again today....so good!!
