Saturday, February 21, 2015

Treat Yo' Self

Piano has been something I've wanted to pursue since I graduated from high school. Which is why in my first semester of college I signed up for Introductory Piano. I thought surely it wouldn't be too hard and by the end of the semester I would be playing like a champ! But...I quickly realized the instructor's idea of "introductory" was not the same as mine. The other students in the class all had some piano background and were taking the class as more of a refresher than a starting point. I had to work my tail off in that class and it ended up being my second hardest course of the semester (behind a Philosophy course that could bring a grown man to tears, but that's another story.) Even though I had wanted to pursue piano for so long, this class really burned me out in a hurry! I was stressed about it which took out any fun I could have had with it. Yet, at the end of the semester when I could plunk a few basic songs I was really proud of what I had accomplished I wanted to learn more, but the next level class was faster paced and pretty much consisted of Music majors, so this little English major bowed out somewhat gracefully and went on to take an extra literary course instead...which wasn't so bad :)
A funny thing happened as I got married and graduated college. Although I continued to want to learn to play piano, the idea of paying for lessons kept me far, far away from any opportunities that came my way. I just could not bring myself to indulge in this desire when Trager and were still newlyweds and living as newlyweds do (budget, budget, budget.) So I didn't. And those three little songs I learned in Introductory Piano quickly faded from my memory.
Then a few weeks ago a woman from churched mentioned that she would be teaching piano lessons for anyone who was interested. And I realized, once again, that I really, really was interested.
BUT. I immediately thought, "Nope, can't do that! We have too many other things to think about first." I let that idea fester for about a week and then I came to a conclusion. I'm not sure if it was "Parks and Recreation" inspired or not, but I decided to "treat myself'" to lessons.
(Any other Tom Haverford fans out there?)
 I realized that I go and go and go all week long and by the time I stop the most I usually do for myself is take a 15 minute shower instead of an 8 minute one.
It was time to do a little something more.
So this past week I started piano lessons. I will be going every other week because my schedule is busy and this way I'm sure to start out slow. Trager got me the easy version of the Pride & Prejudice sheet music for Valentine's Day and it has been the perfect motivator. As I practiced for my next lesson today I realized I had been missing out for so long. I was genuinely enjoying myself even as I struggled with my scales! I think this sort of self-care is something woman as a whole sometimes overlook, but it is so crucial. Even if it's just buying that delicious smelling candle or getting the $7 nail polish instead of one from the $2 section.
I'm not saying we should all go out and get everything on our "Wish Lists" tomorrow, but I am saying it's okay to do something just for yourself every now and then.
Really's not just's pretty darn wonderful!

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