Friday, December 12, 2014


focus on the good.

As I look ahead to 2015, I can't help but look back on 2014. And the resounding truth I can say about this past year is that it has been really, really tough. There have been lost dreams, big bills, the constant onslaught of work responsibilities, and so many other things. And if I'm being entirely honest, I've had a hard time getting past the negativity that seems to be within arms reach most days. I've, at times, let this year create a little dark cloud above my head and allowed myself to wallow under it's shadow. Often I thought, "I just need to fully feel this frustration or sadness or fright and it will go away." Well, let me tell you, it lingers.

And I've decided not to let it anymore.

There are far too many goods things that happen to me and around me on a daily basis for the hard things to get me down as much as they do. For the lost dreams, there have been new ones. For the big bills, there has always been means to take care of them. For the onslaught at work, there is growth and maturity that I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else. I have a family who loves me and supports me. I have the sweetest husband who holds me when I need it and tells me to keep going when he knows better what I'm capable of than I do. And above all this, as my mother would say, I have a Heavenly Father who knows I'm out here and has a plan for me. 
I just have to be patient.

So to help with the patience, I've taken notice of the little things that make the big and scary trials not quite so big and scary.

The Happiest of Little Things
1. Waking up to the rain
2. Christmas the office, in the car, at the house
3. The little heater under my desk that keeps my feet warm all day
4. Late night texts and calls from Trager while he is away working
5. My glowing little Christmas tree
6. Extra one-on-one time with Hunter before she leaves for college
7. The excitement of finding a gift for a loved one that you think they will really enjoy
8. Volunteering my time for a good cause (I'm a sucker for a book fundraiser!)
9. Burt's Bees Chapstick
10. Weekend plans with friends

It won't always be easy, but it will always be worth it to look for the good. It's one of my top ambitions for 2015.

What are some of yours?

Book Review up tomorrow...

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