Tuesday, January 13, 2015


On Saturday, Trager and I ventured out in the cold to meet my sweet friend, Madison, for brunch. I've known Madison since elementary school and she's just one of those people I know I will always be close to. Madison is the friend that you can go months {even years} without talking to and the minute you're back together it's like you didn't miss anything!

It was great to catch up with her {as it always is} but as we sat there eating more bacon than anyone should have in a day let alone before 11am, I kept thinking, "Wow, Madison and grown-ups! The things we're talking about are adult topics. When we leave here I will go home with my HUSBAND {that still gets me sometimes and we're going on 3 years over here} and she'll go home to her's. We're talking about our adult{ish} jobs and essentially our 5 year plans." And it was strange. I still feel so young and, frankly, ignorant to most things in life...which is kind of true. But, as I sat there having brunch with one of my oldest friends I couldn't help but think about how much we thought we knew back when were making taco runs before our Student Council meetings in high school. I guess that's how it works though...it's this constant reaching to the next level and the next comfort zone. And just as you reach it you realize there is still more to figure out. I'd have to say though, it's a pretty thrilling trial and error process! And having great friends makes the craziness of figuring out the now a whole lot easier :)
A few more shots from our morning...

^^^We may have eaten our weight in waffles and bacon! That dainty hot chocolate you see up there was Trager's. Too bad I didn't snag a picture of him with his pinky out, sipping it...so hilarious!^^^

 ^^^Love this friend of mine!^^^

{I hope you're all having a wonderful week!! And yes, the brackets seemed necessary the 20 times I used them ;)}

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