Tuesday, December 9, 2014

BBQ, Ducks, a Camel Ride, and a Light Show

^^^The Bridge of Lights...always wanted to take my favorite guy here!^^^

Last night Trager and I went with some of our friends to Chickasha, OK to see The Festival of Lights! This is one of my favorite Christmas traditions and I hadn't had a chance to go with Trager yet. The Greenwoods went with us and we had so much fun! 

^^^It was insane how much food came with our meals!^^^

First up was Jake's BBQ. My memory of that place was not consistent with what it is today! But, I have tendency to idealize things, so that might be my bad! Not sure this will continue to be part of the tradition, but it was a must for Trager's first trip :)

^^^The ducks were in heaven with Trager feeding them rolls!^^^

After dinner it was time for the lights! We brought a loaf of bread and spent a solid 20 minutes trying not to get pecked to death. Our friend, Brooklyn, that came with us was on top of the picnic table because they were swarming her so bad! When the bread was gone we had to make a run for it! 

^^^Was the $5 I paid to ride this camel worth....yes, yes it was!^^^

I had a combination of emotions about this camel ride. I was genuinely considered it was going to spit on me/ bite me, but it was also kind of like riding a drunk horse with a broken back. Brooklyn and her sweet babe, Ellidie, were riding with me, and I swear the man who was managing the ride was going to have a panic attack about the baby riding with us! Everything was fine so I guess we're pros at camel riding...who knew?!

^^^The boys needed a break after all the walking...and I still can't get over little Ellidie in her pink jacket, so cute!!^^^

We left just as it was closing and chatted the whole way home. I love those long car rides where everyone is tired so you talk and talk so you're not the first one to fall asleep :) 
Overall, a great way to get the season really started!

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