Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 Aspirations

This year I've tried to keep it simple with my goals. In 2015, I want to slow down and really enjoy the wonderful people and things around me. And I think these aspirations will get me on the right track :)
1. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
"Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be." -Abraham Lincoln
I have a tendency to let things "go all over me." That is my phrase for when I get so stressed out about something it completely consumes my thoughts until it is resolved. And to be honest, most of the things I let effect me this way are not important. I would like to get better at telling the difference between something that matters and something that simply does not. I want to fill the time I spend stressing with things that I love, like crafting and yoga. I think this will help me breathe a little easier and be a little happier!

2. Get Better Sleep 
"There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep." -Homer
I need a schedule. In almost everything I do, I love to have structure! But, my sleep is just one of those aspects of life I neglect and it gets a little chaotic. Some nights I get 5 hours of sleep and others I get 10 {let's be real, it's usually closer to 5!}.  There always seems to be something so much more interesting to do. I would really like to give my ZZZ's a little more attention this year.
3. Spend More Time Outdoors
"I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery-air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy." -Sylvia Plath
I'm guilty of coming home from work, going into my apartment, and only venturing out if I need groceries or if I left something in my car. I would like to change this in 2015. I want to read outside on a blanket when it's warm; I want to build a snowman when it's blustery; I want to go kayaking in the summer. I'd like to turn off my phone for a bit and more fully notice the world around me. I think this will also foster more physical activity too, which we're always shooting for, right?? ;)
4. Be More Thoughtful
"A small group of thoughtful people could change the world, indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
This one applies to a lot of areas of my life! First and foremost, I want to be better at calling family members I don't see often enough, and be more present in the conversations I have with those who are around me. Secondly, I'm really good at saying my prayers and reading my scriptures daily, but I want to thoughtfully ponder what I'm saying and reading. And lastly, I want to consciously think about what I'm putting in my body so I can be a bit healthier. Next year, I want to focus a little less on the frivolities of life and a little more on the things that actually add to it .
And that's all I got :) I would love to hear some of your 2015 aspirations!
 I wish you all a happy and safe New Year's Eve!!

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